Hi there;
And here a summary of todays’ call:
Delegates: No proposals this cycle to vote on.
February 27th:
Decision Market Go Live (OP Futarchy Experiment) Signup Form here
RetroFunding On-chain builders application deadline
- The budget for the round is 8M OP. We have 6 measurement periods (Feb - July). Each month 1.3M OP will be rewarded (Feb - 1.3m OP / March - 1.3m OP)
- To be considered for the Feb measurement period, you need to apply by Feb 27th. If you apply later, you will be considered for the next period. Apply Here
Voting on Retro Funding algorithms going live for Citizens and Guest Voters. More info here
Citizenship Update Season 7
@optimistic_emily shared about:
- Expertise is important in impact measurement
- In Retro Funding 5, OP Stack experts produced an overall more accurate allocation, as judged by stakeholders
- Expert judgment is an essential input to measurement
- Separating out measurement from expressing higher level values / preferences allows us to leverage expertise without excluding other stakeholders
- Opt-in bias means self-selection doesn’t create a diverse group of participants
- The resulting group (who volunteer themselves) ended up being very similar to Citizens on demographic characteristics and preferences
- Season 7
- ~150 Guest voters were invited to participate from the following categories: community contributors, Superchain members, past top 30 recipients of Retro Funding and elected officials
- Citizenship is about being a stakeholder of the Collective and expressing values and preferences on decisions that have no right or wrong answer.
- The Citizenry should be a balanced group of the Collective’s stakeholders.
- In Season 7, we want to learn more about the Collective’s stakeholders.
- Here are some questions we want to answer:
- Are the persona groups we uncovered in interviews reflected in the preferences related to Retro Funding?
- Will some groups have higher voter turnout than others?
- Will team members vote independently from each other or form voting blocs?
Decision Market (OP Futarchy Experiment)
- Futarki OP Decision Market Experiment launching on February 27 and will last for three weeks. You can join even if it has started.
- @elizaoak presents the motivation for the Futarchy experiment to make more decentralized and effective decisions. In this experiment, forecasters will use game tokens instead of real money.
- Five projects will compete for a 100K grant, with forecasters predicting TBL growth.
- Impact of experiment will be measured on June 12th, with forecasters rewarded based on accuracy.
- @Michael explained how prediction markets work by splitting and swapping 3Play tokens.
- More info will be share here prior to launch.
- Signup Form here
Curia Forum Score Integration
- Designed to provide a quantifiable measure of a delegate’s activity and engagement in DAO governance discussions.
- Forum Score aggregates several key metrics from governance activities.
- Forum Score = ((Max_Score * 1) + (Proposal Score * 1) + (Overall Topic Score * 0.5) +
(Activeness Score * 0.5)) / (Sum of Weights * Max_Score)
- Forum Score = ((Max_Score * 1) + (Proposal Score * 1) + (Overall Topic Score * 0.5) +
- The ask:
- Link Your Forum Score
- Share your feedback on how to better calculate Forum Score
- More info here
to the Anticapture Commission (ACC) lead and members for coordinating to clean up the ACC’s multi-sig by removing all signers no long on the Commission
Happy ETH Denver to all of you out there! Don’t miss the Superchain Space that started today.