[Intro] Martin, working on Opdates

Hey Martin,

Loving the OPdates tool idea – could be a way to bring more transparency and accountability to the table.
I gave the beta a test with my litle project and here are some of my initial thoughts:

  • Considering how we value impact quantification, especially for RPGF (and grants) , adding a specific section in the updates for ‘Impact Metrics’ or ‘Impact Updates’ could be useful. I know it’s tricky since each project has different metrics, but maybe a flexible format for project owners to report their unique kind of impact?

  • If OPdates is going to showcase a bunch of projects, a search function or some sort of categorization is going to be essential for user navigation

  • A direct link to the governance forum proposal right next to the project title (like on Propdates) would be super handy. Also, an option to link to the project’s website or the end product would give users a better feel for what’s being developed.

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