GovNFT Community Call Thread 4

Hi, Michael, Happy to see you
This is my answer

Guest voters for Retro Funding Round 6 will be randomly selected. How do you think they will vote differently on Round 6 compared to Badgeholders?

Since most of the Guest Votes probably aren’t involved enough in the Optimism eco-governance, I think the Guest Votes may lack some professionalism compared to the Badgeholder, and they may vote for projects that seem straightforwardly exciting, have more obvious benefits, and are shorter term in nature, whereas the Badgeholder would be voting more on the Projects that focus on Optimism’s long-term ecological construction

I’ve looked at the general process for electing guest votes

Firstly, I think choosing Farcaster as a random sample of guests is a good case study, there are a lot of active Optimism and Superchain users on Farcaster!
I think electing guest voters should be more about their past experience in governance, such as whether they have been involved in governance of other DAOs, how active they have been in governance, what governance improvements they have suggested, how many governance proposals they have prompted, and, we need to exclude potential guest voters who have initiated governance attacks, that’s my idea!