Governance Weekly Recap

Week of August 26th, 2024

:ballot_box: Recent Proposals

  • Security Council Elections Cohort A Members

    • Summary: The Security Council Charter dictates that the Token House will conduct elections for Cohort A of the Optimism Security Council. The top seven candidates, determined by approval voting, will be elected to serve a 12-month term, pending Foundation confirmation. If any candidate is not confirmed, the runner-up will take their place. This proposal, eligible for Voting Cycle #26, ensures that no more than one elected member is associated with a single entity or its affiliates. The approved candidates can be reviewed through the respective nomination links provided. The election process leverages approval voting, allowing delegates to vote for multiple nominees and even for themselves as long as additional votes are cast for other elected positions.

    • Proposer: Optimism Foundation

    • Status: Defeated

:writing_hand: Forum Highlights

  • Exploring Shielded Voting: Enhancing Governance on Optimism

    A forum post on the Optimism platform introduces the concept of shielded voting, which entails encrypting votes during the voting period and decrypting them post-vote closure. The post highlights several benefits of this approach, including mitigating bandwagon effects, reducing voter apathy, and preventing last-minute strategic voting. The author solicits community feedback on whether shielded voting could enhance decision-making within Optimism, the potential downsides, the scope of its application, and the alignment with Optimism’s values and goals. The discussion aims to gather diverse perspectives to strengthen governance.

  • Cycle 26 Grants final roundup

    In the Cycle 26 Grants final roundup, the Optimism Grants Council addressed challenges from Cycle 25 by implementing several process improvements. Enhanced transparency was achieved through integrating rubric comments directly into applications, allowing applicants full visibility of scores and feedback. The review process was refined by splitting the council into two groups for balanced evaluations and incorporating feedback from the Developer Advisory Board (DAB). Out of 29 new and 24 carried-over applications, 12 new grants were approved, adhering to revised point thresholds to ensure strong application consideration. The post highlights upcoming Cycle 27 plans and congratulates the recipients of the first-ever Superchain grants for setting high standards. Special thanks were extended to @devtooligan for audit review contributions, emphasizing the collaborative effort in the grant review process. The full list of applications and their statuses is provided for reference.

  • Code of Conduct Council (CoCC) Internal Operating Procedures S6

    The Optimism Code of Conduct Council (CoCC) for season 6 is comprised of elected community members tasked with managing disputes, resolving conflicts, and enforcing sanctions for rule violations within the community. Members of the community, known as Optimists, can directly report issues to CoCC members or anonymously via a reporting form. The conflict assessment process is categorized into small, medium, and large scopes, depending on the severity and impact of the incident, with varying degrees of intervention and potential sanctions such as warnings or bans. The CoCC employs a structured process for conflict resolution, including identification, screening, deliberation, and follow-up phases to ensure thorough investigation and appropriate action. Updates to operating procedures can occur twice per season, and the council is expected to provide periodic reports for transparency and self-evaluation.

  • Rolling Mission Requests

    The Grants Council has put forth a proposal seeking the ability to create and submit rolling Mission Requests to attract more developers to the Optimism ecosystem. With 1.725 million OP tokens approved but unallocated, this initiative aims to boost developer growth by utilizing the unallocated budget from Intent 3A. Starting from Voting Cycle #27, the Council proposes continuous submissions of Mission Requests, which need sponsorship from a Council member and approval by the Token House. This ongoing process features a systematic timeline with submission deadlines each Review Period and subsequent voting

  • Cycle 26 Grants Preliminary Review Report

    The Cycle 26 Preliminary Review has concluded, with 29 new applications and 24 from the previous cycle. The cutoff was set at 30 points, and every reviewer met their milestones. Special mention was given to operations lead Bunnic. The Developer Advisory Board played a crucial role, offering valuable input for evaluations. Finalists will be announced next Wednesday. Gratitude was extended to the Grants Council for their efforts. Noteworthy applications passing to the final include OP Stack Cross Chain Voting, Hedgey application, and CastRank, among others. Declined applications included Vote Notifier and OptimismDAO Management dashboard. Detailed results are available in their public database.

  • Superchain Grants Review Process

    The Grants Council has introduced a detailed review process for the Season 6 Superchain Grants Program, ensuring rigorous evaluation based on 15 specific criteria. Applicants must answer questions affirmatively on factors like the chain’s operational status, clarity of grant structure, alignment with Superchain goals, efficiency, and sustainability. Scoring requires at least 14 out of 15 positive responses to qualify. Priority will be given to live chains contributing to sequencer revenue until Cycle 28, with non-live chains considered if the budget remains unallocated. Grant requests are capped at 3M OP, and proposals exceeding 1M OP must demonstrate exceptional innovation and collaboration. This process underscores the commitment to fostering robust and impactful projects within the Superchain ecosystem.

:crystal_ball: Upcoming Votes

1 Proposals live at the time of writing this report, no upcoming proposals detected