Governance Weekly Recap

Week of February 27, 2023


  1. Cycle 10 grant finalists were announced a few days ago.
  2. Cycle 11 grant applications are due on March 8, 19:00 GMT. Keep an eye on the Grants Council’s landing page for more information.
  3. Current Cycle 11 proposals can be seen using the appropriate forum category.

:eyes: @lavande announced the Collective DAO Archives, comprising two resources to research policies, programs, and the unofficial roadmaps of 20 Ethereum DAOs. See Justine’s presentation at ETHDenver.


[Draft] Upgrade Proposal: Bedrock. V2 of this proposal is expected to be posted soon.

In the Forums

Some questions (and answers) about Optimism’s monetary policy.

Feedback on Agora’s voting portal continues in this thread.

On Twitter

Technical deep dive on the Superchain, summarized.

Weird ETH Yankovic at ETHDenver, and a long thread.

Attestation-based identity, explained.

Optimism weekly recap.

Governance Calls

:speaking_head: A recording of last week’s community governance call can be found here, with recap to come soon.

Quick Gov Links: Working Constitution | Operating Manual v0.3 | Voting Portal | Optimism on Boardroom