Future Citizenship Selection Criteria

Excited to see and contribute towards next RPGF round. As we scale, we do need a reputation based system to onboard new Citizen but I dont understand the rational behind including REGEN score.

From their proposal.

"Milestone 1: Conceptual Design of the REGEN Score presented for feedback. Collaborate with the team to establish the parameters and elements that the REGEN Score will measure. This includes defining how the system will measure an individual’s blockchain behavior such as:

  • Interaction with regen tokens e.g. $GIV, $PAN , $KLIMA, $GTC, $UBI, $BCT, $NCT, etc*
  • Holders of POAPs for regen events e.g. Regens United, ETHBarcelona, ETHGlobal hackathons, etc*
  • Interactions with regen NFTs e.g. Greatest LARP, ETHbot, MoonshotBots, Rainbow Rolls, World of Women, Pooly NFTs etc.*
  • Donations on Gitcoin, clr.fund, Giveth, Unchain Fund, Earthquake Relief, etc.*
  • Voting on Snapshot for regen orgs, being a delegate protocols*
  • Management of airdropped tokens for $OP, $ENS, $GTC, $UNI, etc*
  1. Interacting with regen token/NFTs like $GIV and other mentioned above will help identity optimism citizen? how ?
  2. Very few could able to afford to attend events like ETHBarcelona, there could be financial and/or time constraints
  3. Airdropped token management - this was discussed quite in depth after our initial airdropped and I still believe we should hold anything against anyone selling their airdropped token, if they choose to.

Donation to public good like gitcoin and clr fund is debatable but I am overall supportive of it.

I supported their proposal and dont have anything against them but would not include as part of citizen selection.

What I would like to see is reputation score build on top of Superchain, important for me to see our sequencer utilized as the collective future depends on the value generated by it, we have a thriving and flourishing stack, many chains are already live(zora, base, pgn) and I believe many more are in dev and expected to come online in near future. Build a reputation on how a users is utilizing them.