[FINAL] Velodrome: Fostering Inclusive Governance through Leading Optimism Builders and Long-term Users

You seem to have missed the point that this is building a platform that literally every protocol with a mission that allocates OP to its users in one form or another could use to allow them to delegate the vesting OP to users while it waits to vest. It is about increasing the utility and value of the OP that is being distributed by governance versus having it sit useless for year until it vests and is likely dumped by users who have no buy in for governance.

This is about supporting our ability to build a public good that benefit governance as a whole, not discriminating.


A couple questions, comments, and concerns:

  • I think it is absolutely net positive to onboard more Optimism protocols into governance. Optimism, at the end of the day, is a layer 2 which relies on projects to develop on it in order to be successful. Projects and protocols should be among the most influential stakeholders in OP governance in my opinion.
  • I also think it is net positive to award OP governance to provably aligned individuals and diversify the voter base
  • As @OPUser mentioned, I am concerned about using Velodromeā€™s native token (veVELO) as the primary signal for ecosystem alignment (and thus governance incentivization). If you all were looking at a wide variety of factors, such as perhaps looking to people already engaging deeply in Optimism but not receiving delegation, or finding more neutral ways to determine ecosystem alignment, Iā€™d be more comfortable.
  • I also wonder how large the usecase is of govNFTs beyond for the Foundation. If the primary usecase is for the Foundation, then it should be a response to a Foundation RFP, as opposed to a Mission. I understand that you intend to use govNFTs for this program itself, but I just wanted to note that since emphasis was being placed on how useful this would be for the Foundation (which the Foundation has not commented on, as of now)
  • Also, Iā€™m confused how the protocol program differs from the protocol delegation program from the Foundation. I think the unique value add for you all is the 10-12 week engagement with these protocols to really onboard them. Are you also targeting different protocols than the ones eligible for delegation through the Foundation program? How do you plan to get them more involved (from what I remember there were participation problems with the Foundationā€™s program)?

Iā€™m in the middle on my decision here since I think there are a lot of positives in this proposal, but mostly concerned about using veVELO as the primary signal for ecosystem alignment. However, since this proposal has already been approved (thus effectively making my vote meaningless), I will choose to not give an approval.

I think this is one of the more innovative proposals though, and Iā€™m looking forward to see how it goes!

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Hi @tao!
As Season 4 draws to a close this week, weā€™re so excited to see how youā€™ve executed on your Mission! Please post an update for the community here outlining the milestones youā€™ve met this Thursday (9/20) by 19:00 GMT. Please include links to any final work products as weā€™ll create a final roundup linking to all Mission deliverables.

We also encourage you to sign-up for RetroPGF Round 3. Youā€™ll be able to describe the impact of your Mission when you sign-up: RetroPGF Round 3 Applications Are Open

Thanks again for being part of this experiment and helping us build the Collective :heart:

Hey @lavande!

Super excited to share our progress. The development process is well under way. Happy to announce weā€™ll be fully rolling out the govNFTs soon, pending an audit, which may take a bit more time. We will keep this channel updated with our progress.

As a reminder, they will allow users to vote or delegate with OP tokens under a timelock. The frontend to be used can be found at https://govnft.eth.limo/.

We waited until we were comfortable with the development timeline to begin the community rollout and the process of bringing in participants. This process detailed in Velodrome X Optimism. The Next Phase of Partnership | by Velodrome (šŸš“,šŸš“) | Sep, 2023 | Medium, is well under way: we are in our first of several ā€˜racesā€™, in which Velodrome Users can participate to receive govNFTs.

We have a Dune dashboard up that will detail the race results. https://dune.com/0xkhmer/velodrome-x-optimism shows the users that currently qualify.

We are currently in the process of recruiting protocols and have several interested parties. We are working to make sure these protocols have the best alignment with the Optimistic vision and will be active governance participants.

Once the govNFTs are distributed at the conclusion of the final race, we will already have met all of the critical milestones we laid out.

Excited to onboard all of these players to Optimism Governance!

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Thanks for the update @0x_Danw! Please not that all Missions will be able to showcase their work tomorrow during a dedicated Mission demo day on September 28th, at 16:00 GMT on the Discord mainstage!

Demo Day - Mission Proposal Edition September 28th 2023 - 4pm UTC

Show off your Season 4 Mission Proposal accomplishments and milestones:

  • Each mission proposal will get 2 minutes to present
  • Summarize your mission proposal
  • List your milestones and the results of those milestones

Apply here - (Discord):

Presenter Discord Handle ā†’ must be in the Optimism Discord
Link to your mission proposal
