[DRAFT PROPOSAL]: Protocol Delegation Program

honestly I must say you are twisting the discussion here… This thread has nothing to do with protocols receiving further allocations, that will be up to the body over seeing Grants going forward [DRAFT PROPOSAL]: Moving to a Grants Council - #40 by lavande.

I, and no one else in the thread have said that Uniswap hasn’t provided value to Optimism. My criticism was that under the current single criteria, of gas fees generated, Uniswap would receive the largest delegation from the votable supply earmarked for this program. Optimism - Popular Apps and Project Usage Trends :abacus: :red_circle::sparkles:

Uniswap only just started distributing their OP and have done so through third parties, so I will wait until it has finished to make my judgement but I doubt that the 50k OP that is being distributed through third party projects will move the needle much on the value they have brought to Optimism.

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