Alluo - Builder Grant Cycle 11

Hi, @0xec.eth I wanted to inform you that the Forum is an official channel and that you are expected to monitor and respond to any outreach here. I know this might sound obvious but as part of cycle 11 we are making sure.

I have a few questions about Alluo:

  1. Do I lose the self-custody of my assets when I deposit in Alluo?
  2. Is Alluo open source?
  3. Do you have any “proof of funds” where users can check the funds are on-chain and safe?
  4. Will “fees (<1% for bank transactions of any size)” be Alluo’s revenue? Is there any other source of revenue for Alluo that I’m missing?
  5. If I’m correct you got to 30k OP given that is the effort it’ll take devs to create this project. But Alluo is paying for their salaries and retaining the OP tokens to be used as governance?
  6. Is Alluo a traditional company or a DAO? do you have your own governance token or how do you decentralize the Alluo organization?
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