AI Copilots for Optimism RetroPGF

Hi all,

here’s an update on our work for AI Copilots for Optimism RetroPGF.

First, thank you to @joanbp @lee0007 @latruite.eth @ccerv1 @launamu @dmars300 and @brichis for testing our prototypes and providing feedback!

DappCon 2024 Talk
At Berlin Blockchain Week in May, we summarized our work on AI Copilots in a talk, and mapped out the potential of LLMs in the context of token systems and Retro Funding (RetroPGF respectively).

  • How LLMs support token system design
  • Why the system’s perspective is relevant for the development of Retro Funding
  • How LLMs can support educated, data-driven decisions and maintain a diversity of perspectives in evaluation for Retro Funding

Some screenshots are below.
Watch the recording of the DappCon 2024 talk!

What’s next?
Since April, we have been working on TE Academy’s Retro Funding program, the first Fellowship grant prize. To select the winner, we’ll run a community voting in June, assigning voting power to voters according to their reputation.
Developing this voting mechanism is part of our educational program that we offer thanks to Retro Funding by Optimism! We develop the voting mechanism with our students.
Learn more about this program :point_right:t5: here.

Some exciting questions to explore:

  • Can LLMs support Voting System Simulations, and make experiments more efficient and faster
  • Can LLMs come up with design variants, that we haven’t thought of
  • Can LLMs help to communicate the results, so that decisions on a voting design can supported by LLMs?

More updates in July!