Working Constitution of the Optimism Collective

I am truly and realy Proud of $OP

I hope there won’t be cause for this moreover how would it be done

OP is no.1! :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: OP has a connotation :100: Wish the holder better and better.

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Great time in crypto to delve more deeply into the best projects. Wagmi

Cheers : )


support the optimism foeever hope better and better

This optimism potential good platform


So exited,i love work optimism


通用 OP 朋友们! 有人可以向我解释如何参与 Optimism 治理活动吗? 在哪里可以对提案进行投票? ps:设计出来的民主模式真的很独创,爽! 与合作社的治理体系非常相似

A positive attitude is important!

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Great content. Looking forward to the future!

Any consideration for a shorter governance restart period. Four years is good in the regular world, but in crypto four years is the equivalent to decades as things are changing so fast and I don’t think we can even imagine where Optimism will be in that period of time.


Agree with Optimism’s point of view, Optimism has always been my favorite project, everything is for fairness and autonomy, in order to realize this common ideal, I will work together with Optimism

I simply love the name “Optimism” Hard not to be Bullish :star_struck: :heart_eyes:


This is good projekt, I wonder how it will work in practice!


I get your point but seems to me this is a major coordination project and things won’t move as fast as we see in crypto.

Create value together, WAGMI!!


Support OP, optimistic, believe there will be better development in the future.

interesting governance experiment

Congrats to all the collective for the launch! Proud to be part of this experiment.