Working Constitution of the Optimism Collective

that’s so clear and think properly all about the situaton, stay optimistic

The right approach, a fair team :+1:

Seems to be fair. Governance is doing its job and proud to be a part of it :slight_smile:

just joined and hope to get more inforamtion here.

Great job we are very happy to be here :heart_eyes: :heart_on_fire:

Waiting for airdrop info #2

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Indeed, so far I must add the experiment governance is going really well, it’s not perfect but Optimism has set a new standard.

Stay Optimistic :red_circle::sparkles:

Great community! I am very happy to be a part of such a worthy project.

Proud to be part of the Optimism Collective! Stay Optimistic, WAGMI!

when will the next stage of voting on new activities take place? :roll_eyes:

I remain optimistic with your project, good luck! :smiley:

I’m so happy to be apart of this! This is the future! LFG! :money_mouth_face: :grinning: :smile:

This is looking good! If I understand correctly, this design requires almost no changes :unamused: :yum: :blush:

This will be the beginning of a new season for Ethereum.
I’m glad to be here today :star_struck:

a great start, moving in the right direction by attracting people :star_struck:

I will remain optimistic forever :smiley: :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :crazy_face: :smiley: :grinning:

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Oke thanks a lot…
i will wait for it

i am very happy to join optimism.

To much excited to be an optimistic optimism airdrop