[WITHDRAWN] [GF: Phase 1 Proposal] Attestation Station Interface

thanks for the thoughtful and helpful response!


Absolutely! Weā€™d love to see ways to collaborate there ā€“ currently, we are using Dune & Flipside for visualization of the attestations made. Arguably many other indexers can be used to access the attested on-chain data for composable usage, but it would be nice to have a uniform & optimized interface!


Yeah I checked out the nxyz API that was posted in the AttestationStation telegram chat but itā€™s kind of limited. I need to research the other options you listed! But the ā€œuniform & optimized interfaceā€ is the idea. I think it would be nice to have dedicated AttestationStation infrastructure. I think what you guys are doing is very cool! I need some more free time so I can take a deeper dive.


Hi @soyboy! Can you provide a Telegram handle or other contact method so the Optimism team can get in touch about paying out this grant! Feel free to DM or email lavande@optimism.io


Hey @lavande, I went ahead and emailed you with my contact information. Thank you!

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Benchmark milestone: goal is to maintain >500 unique visitors a month. These analytics come from Netlify (my hosting provider).

2023 - March 2nd to April 1st


Hello and greetings,
Thank you for this draft. First of all, the website at a glance, despite being very simple in the UI, but the application works properly and seamlessly. Regarding the problem that your application is going to solve, please tell me what this project has in terms of advantages than usual attestation we do by our email address or the wallet connection. I might not know the problem very deeply, so if you can illuminate it for me, I would be appreciated it. Thanky ou.

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Hello, hereā€™s some background information on the AttestationStation: What is the AttestationStation? | Optimism Docs

The interface that I created is exactly what you described: a very simple UI. This web application allows anyone to make or read attestations without any programming knowledge. This is the first iteration of the project. In the future, Iā€™d like to enable a lot more functionality to create a more robust AttestationStation experience.


fantastic. I will check the link you shared. Good luck with your project.


Notice of withdraw from this grant

Iā€™ve recently got information (not public yet) about a new direction the Optimism team is taking the AttestationStation. This new development will make the work outlined in my grant proposal obsolete.

To stay consistent with the Optimism Collectives goal of Impact = Profit, I am withdrawing from this grant because completing it will not result in any positive impact, so Iā€™m uncomfortable profiting from it. Instead, Iā€™m directing my efforts to the collectiveā€™s new missions and intents.

Iā€™ve reached out to the grants council via email, but I havenā€™t heard back from them yet. I wanted to make a public notice as well so the community was aware of my intentions and didnā€™t assume I abandoned this work.

I plan to sunset the AttestationStation Interface when the Optimism publicly announces their pivot.


@soyboy appreciate the action youā€™ve taken. would love to follow up on any potential future directions.


Thank you for letting us know this!

I believe the 44k given by RPGF will cover the efforts you have done so far and itā€™s well-earned OP!

I would like to keep track of what you do, tag me if you write again!



Of course, I want to make a quality impact on the ecosystem. Iā€™m currently working with a team to put together a proposal for one of the foundation missions. I think Iā€™ll be proposing other work in the future and Iā€™d appreciate your feedback when I do.

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No problem, I agree and am very grateful. As I mentioned above, Iā€™ll probably be making proposals in the future and I would appreciate your feedback as well! Thanks!