Superchain Product Vision

Hi! :slight_smile:

Excited to see this kind of vision-centered communication, something so important for creating alignment and often overlooked.

As a product vision, I find the perspective presented super interesting and appealing. Although I confess that at times I don’t fully grasp the specifics of what is being described. Am I alone on that?

And BTW, to address this comment…

I want to thank @GFXlabs for not letting go of the thread and for asking the necessary questions. But I agree that this post was a product vision rather than a business strategy… so I’d like to point out that I’ve started a new thread to collectively address the big outstanding question around the business model. :dizzy:

I also want to acknowledge the OP foundation @system for keeping communication open and clarifying the source vision. :cyclone:

I celebrate that governance is being highlighted. :sparkler:
As a wannabe-govNERD, it seems to me (:nerd_face:) that ‘governance’ is becoming our biggest value proposition to such an extent that the ‘business model’ thing could precisely be solved by offering our built capacities to other organizations as a form of consultancy, providing ‘governance-as-a-service’.

It could range from ensuring the safety of user funds (and all the technical implications in protocol updates) to facilitating feedback sessions and agreement building (understanding that governance is also present throughout that entire process).

While it may not be the solution we dream of, since it isn’t automatable or a ‘passive income’, It’s a model with potential, especially if we think about the DAO-ification that organizations of the future will undergo. Moreover, it is based on person-to-person work (which can be a positive in a world full of AIs).

As the pillar of pragmatism says, “sometimes, the best solution isn’t the prettiest one.”