blockdev here. I was a part of DAB season 6 and I’m self-nominating for Governance Mission team for Season 7.
Developer Advisory Board Self-Nomination
- My Optimist Profile: @blockdev
Please link to any contributions that demonstrate you meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the Charter for the specific Developer Advisory Board team you’re applying for:
- Security auditor: Audited several protocols deployed on Superchain, audited OP fork, several ZK projects, Account Abstraction projects. Experienced via working at Spearbit/Cantina, Ethereum Foundation (PSE), yAudit. Currently doing audits mostly at Spearbit.
- DAB season 6 member.
- Mentored/judged two OP related hackathons: EthGlobal Superhack and Aleph hackathon OP track.
- Built multiple complex projects in Rust: Search engine, DA aggregator and Validium.
- Wrote articles on technical topics: signature footguns, safe circom circuits, ethereum key generation process.
Please verify that you have no conflicts of interest:
No conflict of interest.
Please verify that you understand you may be removed from this role via the Representative Removal proposal type in the Operating Manual
I understand.
Please verify that you understand KYC will be required to receive Council rewards at the end of Season 7:
I understand.
Please verify that you are able to commit ~20 hours / month to Board operations:
I am able to commit 20 hours per month to Board operations.