[REVIEW] [GF: Phase 1, Voting Cycle 7] Overtime Markets

So we’re clear on this:

Does this mean that if this proposal hadn’t passed, you would not have voted for the proposal with a ‘slight adjustment’ in the ask suggested by your own committee? Because a vote next cycle won’t have changed the fact that Overtime had gotten a Governance grant.

Context from the committee’s review, emphasis mine:

However, we recommend NO as we believe reducing the remaining uncertainties, getting buy-in from your community, and slightly adjusting the Ask will make the proposal better, help with future accountability (+ avoid setting a bad precedent), and resubmitting in 2 weeks (!) is the best way to go.

Snapshot vote - passed

@padzank can you provide a Telegram handle or other contact method so the Optimism team can get in touch about paying out this grant! Feel free to DM or email palash@optimism.io