[REVIEW] [GF: Phase 1 Proposal] [Updated template] Safe

1. Presentation

We are an officially recognized Tooling Governance Committee, responsible for assessing proposals related to tooling and infrastructure (wallets, bridges etc.).

2- About the project

The Gnosis Safe is the most popular multi-signature smart contract wallet that allows users to define a list of owner/signer accounts and a threshold number of signers required to confirm a transaction. Once the threshold of owner accounts have confirmed a transaction, the Safe transaction can be executed.

There is not much to explain gnosis is one of the most used and well known applications in the ecosystem.

3- About the following

First [Draft] of the Safe proposal was received in the previous season, and later they updated to the current proposal. After received the appropiate proposal to this current cycle.

4- About the proposal valuation

  • Added Value: good. Gnosis Safe is fundamental to the ecosystem. There are currently no competitors that have achieved Safe’s adoption and usability.
  • Impact or expected usage: high. it’s an important tool for the Optimism ecosystem to develop. Both users and dapps and DAOs make constant use of Gnosis Safe.
  • Current Status: ready. Gnosis has a long history and is a consolidated product. which is now at a stage where it needs to build around it.
  • Expenditure plan and distribution: appropiate. We need to discuss about funds for development and allocation for DAO (40 and 20). Also, more explanation about distribution for dApps.
  • Amount requested: medium. The requested amount is 500k OP tokens, which is a reasonable amount and in line with its distribution plan.

5. KPIs and impact tracking

To the current plan and distribution, we believe that to make the appropiate following of this proposals, these points will need to be required:

  • Number of dApps succesfully adopting Safe on its UI.
  • Number of dApps integrating as Optimism Safe Apps, focusing on the most populars according to Optimism Dune Analytics.
  • Executing a correct distribution criteria for OP distribution for Safe users.


We apologize for the delays during this cycle. Our work was mostly done on time but we had delays with the final confirmation from each member to properly publish our recommendations with the proper consensus (this was due to devcon week, but we recognize this is not an excuse). We promise that this situation will not happen again and we will carry out the respective improvements of the process and we will share our learnings received during this cycle.

Thank you for patience.