My question is what happens when the incentives in Optimism run out.

I think self-delegation can also bring parasitic protocols into the network as well as users farming the token in their protocols.

I also believe that if Alchemix had any interest in this governance it would have appointed at least one delegate, why didn’t it do so if it sought to have a say in this governance? Asking for support in your community is a good start and has a cost of $0 as well as appointing a delegate to represent Alchemix’s interests.

In the event that the proposal is not voted YES, will Alchemix still be interested in governance as one of the protocols they seek to develop in the network? Self-delegation with token grants is the same thing @jackanorak complains about from users.

What I don’t see in the protocols being pushed by @jackanorak for self-delegation is at least minimal participation beyond his own proposals.

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