[Review] [GF: Phase 1] PoolTogether

Recommendation from DeFi committee C


Clear and simple plan for usage of 70% of the OP requested for user rewards, with sufficient detail of the reason for the additional segments for UX and integrations. The proposers have responded to queries and shown willingness to expanded on sections that delegates have queried.


Pooltogether offers slightly better APRs than Aave and can attract significant TVL and users - similar as with their first grant proposal. TVL should stay & improve on Optimism and potentially more users should be attracted


Pooltogether has been a top project on Ethereum moved most of its liquidity ($35M) from Eth l1 to Optimism. They are used by thousands of addresses on Optimism daily.


550K OP is a reasonable amount for the size of Pooltogether, further incentivizing liquidity & phasing out rewards. 385K OP (70%) will be spent on liquidity incentives over 19 weeks at a rate of 20K Op/week. The rest will be used for builder incentives, incl. 110K OP (20%) for new UIs and better onboarding of users & 55K OP (10%) for integrations on Optimism.


The variable co-incentives are based on Pool Governance and likely amount to 500$ - 2000$ USDC per day which would in AVG result in 170K USD over 19 weeks. This is slightly low for the requested OP liquidity but Pooltogether is also open to fund additional grants for teams building on Pooltogether/Optimism.


Great, moved their project & liquidity to Optimism and plan to further build there

Recommendation:- YES

Our past recommendation is available on committee recommendation thread