Retro Funding 4: Impact Metrics, a Collective Experiment

Testing of Voting Functionality

We ask the community to help us test the retro round 4 voting interface from June 10th - June 16th. While we’re processing data from project applications to power relevant metrics, this round of testing works with dummy data.

Providing feedback on Metrics

Retro round 4 is experimenting with metric-based voting, with the hypothesis that by leveraging quantitive impact metrics, badgeholders are able to more accurately express their preferences for the types of impact they want to reward, as well as make more accurate judgements of the impact delivered by individual contributors.

After many iterations of the impact metrics based on badgeholder feedback, full overview here, we present a first set of 8 metrics in the interface, with 4 more to be available in the following days. You can use the comment feature to provide feedback on the implementation of these metrics!

Testing Functionality

  1. Wallet connect: Connect your wallet.
    a. Were you able to connect your wallet without any issues?
  2. Discovering Metrics: Search for metrics, sort metrics, and use the navigation bar to jump between metrics. Give us a sense of the experience:
    a. How easy was it to search for specific metrics?
    b. Were you able to sort metrics effectively?
    c. Did the navigation bar function as expected when jumping between metrics?
    d. Any suggestions to improve the discovery of metrics?
  3. Interacting with Metrics: Add metrics to the ballot, comment on metrics (by clicking on each metric to open the metric page and access the comments box), explore their calculation, etc.
    a. Were you able to comment on metrics without any issues?
    b. Did the exploration of metric calculations provide the information you needed?
    c. Any difficulties or suggestions for interacting with metrics?
  4. Manage your ballot: weight metrics and see how the allocation changes, use the OS multiplier.
    a. Is it clear how to weight the metrics on your ballot? Are the implications of weighting metrics clear?
    b. Did you find enough information on the open source multiplier to make an informed decision about using it?
    c. Any challenges or recommendations for managing the ballot?
  5. Submit your ballot: Complete the survey and submit your ballot.
    a. Were the steps to complete the survey and the survey questions clear and straightforward?
    b. Did you encounter any issues while submitting your ballot?
    c. Any feedback on the final submission step?

If you find an issue, submit here: