Good morning OP Community!
If you did not engage at all with my Proposal for the past three weeks since it first went into Draft mode, whether here in this forum or the #gov-temp-check Discord channel, then please, I request you to NOT provide negative Replies here, in particular after you’ve already committed your vote.
This request is aimed at not receiving harsh news delivered fresh to my Gmail inbox on a semi-regular basis.
The time to provide your wisdom, insight and feedback was during the two weeks that this proposal was up online as a Draft, i.e. so I could possibly incorporate your views and possibly improve the proposal. The time for your first ever engagement with me or this Proposal is not now, after it has been set as Ready and is being voted on.
If however your feel particularly important and must share, influence other voters, or justify (to me?) why you’ve voted No, then please use the following thread: Voting Cycle #2: Roundup - #40 by nogahev839 If you use this suggested thread to eviscerate my Proposal, then at least I won’t get your Reply pop up in my work Gmail and punch me in the gut.
Thank you in advance if you could adhere to this request
Note: If you have positive news/feedback or did indeed engage with me and my Proposal while it was still in Draft mode, then this request does not apply to you. You’ll either let good news be sent to my inbox or we’re already mates and I can handle your frank feedback.
If you have not already voted and want a TLDR review of everything above, everything throughout this forum, the Discord, the web, my CV, my business experience, etc then here is all you need to know:
- Poor build
- Skinny
- Lacks great physical stature and strength
- Lacks mobility and ability to avoid the rush
- Lacks a really strong arm
- Can’t drive the ball downfield
- Does not throw a really tight spiral
- A system-type player who can get exposed if forced to ad-lib
- Gets knocked down easy.
Thanks for your time.
Kind regards,