[READY] [GF: Phase 1 Proposal] Raptor

I don’t think anyone is disputing the general benefit of people running validators.

There’s already a discussion here broadly in favour of retroactively airdropping OP to 8,666 solo validators, with each address receiving in the order of 324 OP tokens (regardless of how many validators they run on the node):

What I don’t think you’ve sufficiently answered is why your company in particular should be given 800,000 OP to run validators?

From a public goods funding perspective it doesn’t fit with Optimism’s retroactive model

as you aren’t already running them, it’s not retroactive if you’re wanting all the funds to do this before you start… and from a decentralization perspective you’ve yet to explain why giving you the funds to run 10 is beneficial as compared to asking to run one validator and suggesting others do the same.

I will be very interested to read a comment from SuperPhiz here, it’s entirely possible that I’m missing some benefit that you are offering, but if that’s the case it hasn’t yet been made clear.