[READY][GF: Phase 1 Proposal] PayTrie - Stablecoin On/Off Ramp in Canada

Our update for milestone #3 :fire:

After 6 months of launching, our users have on-ramped a total of $400,391 USDC on the OP network. This can be validated through our wallet address: Address 0x5b5ecfc8122ba166b21d6ea26268ef97e09b2e9f | OP Mainnet

For this milestone, we have hit 8% of our goal and we are requesting 8% of the final 30,000 OP grant = 2,400 OP.

We are very excited to continue to see more of our users choose to on-ramp using Optimism and we will continue with the fee subsidy program until our grant runs out. We believe that there will be more opportunities with upcoming partnerships to further grow the usage of the Optimism network within our community of users!

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