[Ready] [GF: Phase 1 Proposal] Messari

While there’s been a lot of great conversation around this season of voting, I’d be remiss if I didn’t voice what feel like logical inconsistencies in terms of justifications for the Messari proposal relative to voting behavior*. The points made for abstaining/no have been the following:

  • Gov funding is the wrong route:
    • We’ve received clarity from the OP Foundation that GF is in fact the correct path for us. So in the case that delegates disagree with the mandate, I’d love to hear an explanation as to why DefiLlama’s retro funding for their dashboards does qualify while ours does not (especially when DLs is entirely retroactive while ours is for work to be completed in the future)
  • Value vs. price
    • Our ask is similar to what DeFiLlama has requested with the bulk being their data dashboards. While our free dashboards are only a few months old and we’re continuing to grow the product, what we’re building is even more comprehensive tracking TVL, trading volume, revenue, liquidity added/removed not only from the macro level but on an individual pool basis as well (with the underlying infrastructure also open source-source)
    • This is in addition to the long-form reports that reach >250k crypto natives and 1m+ through 3 of the largest research platforms that get in front of nearly every major financial institution and large corporate who are not only getting smart on crypto but increasingly committing resources to partner with and even interact on chain with various protocols. (Think Polygon/Starbucks or KKR/Avalanche)
  • Alternate proposal
    • I’ve outlined my concerns here and in the above comments but the fact there has been not a response shows it was not a serious proposal with any thought put into actually executing on it

*While this comparison is to DeFiLlama’s current proposal as that’s the closest comp, I’m not saying that is not worth funding, just that voting yes for DL while no to ours for reasons that apply to both is inconsistent.

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