[READY] [GF: Phase 1] Hundred Finance


The hundred finance team aligns themselves greatly with optimism and they have shown this behavior with their promise to return the OP tokens if they identify that the extra OP tokens aren’t contributing to an increased TVL.

It is a reasonable request of 300k tokens and they have been active on Optimism for a few months. Albeit there is only $400k on Optimism they have shown signs of success and this grant can help boost TVL.

I voted YES :white_check_mark: for this proposal.

Project value: Strong, the team shows strong integrity and alignment with OP from the proposal. Although never used Hundred Finance I have heard of it so seems to be a proven project

Amount: Good, amount requested is reasonable for the size of the project

OP distribution: Good, I like the tiered milestone system :+1:

Piling on to say that we’ve worked with this team, and the quality and thoroughness of this proposal match the thoughtfulness with which they build and partner with others. Wouldn’t have expected anything less.

Think this is an obvious proposal to support.

Many thanks to you all for your support :pray:


Think this is an obvious proposal to support.

We voted yes on this proposal. This is a strong team, and we like the milestone-based system to incentivize liquidity on Optimism.


Voting: No

In consultation with our community, it’s believed that the structure of the proposal will not contribute enough to the ecosystem, or deserves a readjustment of the requested amount.

  • Contribution: Standard
  • OP distribution: Neutral
  • Co-incentives: Yes
  • Impact in LATAM: Neutral

Suggestions: we observe that the proposal has a great acceptance in any case. But, in case of rejection, reduce the requested amount.


Snapshot vote - passed


Many thanks to all those at Optimism and among the community for your support of Hundred Finance. We look forward to being a part of the ecosystems continued growth :pray:


keep us updated and be involved in gov too.

@TerraBellus an you provide a Telegram handle or other contact method so the Optimism team can get in touch about paying out this grant :pray:

Feel free to comment on this thread, DM, or email palash@optimism.io

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Hi, @PalashOP,

I’m in the OP Discord under @TerraBellus#4774 or you can drop into the Hundred Discord at Hundred Finance to reach out, as I’ll clearly have a Team role there :pray: