Proposal: Pause Phase 1 and start a discussion round to improve the governance process

I think we should at least pause it in between cycles to focus on those projects who got in and give good feedback aligned with Optimism’s vision. While proposals are active for 6 days on Snapchat we stop new proposals to be posted maybe?

At this rate, I’m nearly keeping it up and made my own filters on what to say yes and what to say no.

I got this from Exosphere in the discord and made it my own rule

OK usage : *
Protocol usage incentives
Grants and other forms of 3rd party developer incentives
Small (<10%) retroactive allocations (early adopters, etc)

Unacceptable usage :
Bridging incentives
Paying for full project development. It’s good to support projects with already some skin In the game but supporting Ideas with nothing to show is a nono for me.

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