The badge holder vote was a tough one. I wanted to pick 10 candidates but I had to pick 11. I based my vote on this, they don’t need to be in all of them but at least 2:
Forum participation, this wasn’t only by interaction with most of the elected candidates but also for their forum badges:
Regular badge on Optimism Collective
Gives Back badge on Optimism Collective
Appreciated badge on Optimism Collective
Respected badge on Optimism Collective
Good Share badge on Optimism Collective -
Personal debate on at least one forum post with each of them
Respectfully and insightful answers and questions on different forum topics
Committee member (Including shadowy committee)
Delegate call participation
I voted for:
katie, linda, lefterisjp, OPUser, mastermojo, jrocki.eth, polynya, DeFi_LATAM_Joxes, MinimalGravitas, millie, krzkaczor and jackanorak
I voted yes for the Grants Council proposal. The feedback is here:
Feedback 1, Feedback 2, Feedback 3
As a final thought, we don’t have the perfect system to move governance forward but at least Optimism it’s trying to get better every season. Iteration, reflection, and tryouts are the best tools we have and I’ll keep supporting these radical governance changes with an optimistic mindset.
I voted yes for the Protocol delegation program. These protocols are the core contributors to the Optimism ecosystem and without them we have nothing. It is obtuse to think they shouldn’t have a voice in their own space, native or not, we are all here to promote Optimism use. I hope to see more of these delegation programs to smaller projects too in the future.