[GF: Phase 1 Proposal] Atomic Links

Hello @Gonna.eth @mmurthy

Iā€™m sorry for the delayed response. Missed your last question @Gonna.eth

I want to report how last critical milestone for the project is done.

Video is here: Atomic Links. Proposal update 5 (I apologize for the recording quality)

What is done:

  • Release triggers for Optimism on Mainnet (last critical milestone)
  • Release actions for Optimism on Mainnet (was not part of milestones we commited initially, but just as an indication of additional progress)

Reported to grants@optimism.io according to the Milestone Assessment

@danelund.eth @lavande @Gonna.eth @mmurthy @GrantsOps fyi

@mmurthy the current version of the app available to test is located here: https://beta.dev.atomiclinks.xyz/
If you have any questions or you would like to get some additional comments - happy to jump on a call or to have a chat.

We are actively refactoring a good part of the app (including some tech. debt) to make it available for wider audience publicly, but right now we are at the middle of the process. So please if you see some issues - let me know.