Forward: Growth Experiment - Cycle 11

Hello and thank you for your proposal! Throughout the application process, this forum thread will be one of the official means of communication. Please be sure to monitor it for updates over the course of the review period.

At this stage, applications are mainly being reviewed for completeness, and nothing at this stage should be construed as support or opposition by any members of the Grants Council.

The grant request of 250k OP seems too large for a project in private alpha. Consider scaling down the requested amount or provide a detailed breakdown of how the funds will be used to justify the request.

It seems like this proposal is trying to do a LOT of different incentives to handle most of the expenses that will be incurred by the team. Marketing expenses, Audit Expenses, and Hackathon expenses would not fit within no-sale.

The proposal does not provide a clear process for allocating the 30% of tokens intended for dApp deployments. To ensure quality submissions, please specify the criteria for receiving these incentives and any vetting process in place.

The proposal does not clearly articulate the problem it is trying to solve within the Optimism ecosystem. Please provide a more detailed explanation of the need for this project and how it will benefit the ecosystem.

The provided metrics lack specificity and are not tied to clear timeframes. Without specific target dates, it is difficult to assess progress and hold the project accountable. Additionally, the critical milestones mentioned seem to be a subset of the benchmark milestones, which makes them redundant. Please revise the milestones to provide clearer and more measurable targets. Review the milestone assessment doc for more information.