[DRAFT][GF: Phase 1 Proposal] ENS Wildcard Domains

Hi @stevegachau.eth! Can you provide a Telegram handle or other contact method so the Optimism team can get in touch about paying out this grant! Feel free to DM or email lavande@optimism.io


Track Wildcards Protocol’s Grant Project Milestones

Hello Optimism Community,

We’re excited to share with you the progress of our project, the Wildcards Protocol. We believe in complete transparency and we want to keep the community updated on our development milestones.

Our project is aimed at linking ENS domains to Optimism NFT collections in a simple and user-friendly way. We’ve been working hard on various key aspects of the project, and we’ve recently achieved some critical milestones!

You can keep track of our project milestones directly on our GitHub page. The milestones table will be updated as we continue to hit new targets, so be sure to check back regularly.

Here’s a glimpse of what we’ve achieved so far:

  • Deployed ENS Wildcard Resolver contract on Goerli Testnet.
  • Launched our Optimism gateway server.
  • Deployed Collection-Registry contract on Optimism.
  • Successfully deployed ENS Wildcard Resolver contract on Ethereum Mainnet.
  • Initiated the onboarding process with NFT projects, marking the successful start of our collaboration with our first partner, Optichads.

And we’re not stopping here. We have much more in store for the coming months. We’d love to have your feedback and thoughts as we continue to build and improve.


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Hi @stevegachau.eth, I’m from M&M Grants council and currently reviewing your grant milestones. How is your last critical milestone on Open-Sourcing your contracts and L2 gateway & documentation release going? - Could you please provide us with an update on how these tasks are progressing?


cc. @Juanbug_PGov @mmurthy

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Our team at Wildcards Protocol has completed the final milestone as outlined in our grant proposal. This critical milestone signifies the culmination of our efforts related to the OP grant.

Starting February 1st, we are embarking on phase 2 of our journey, which involves a strategic focus on marketing and onboarding. Our primary objective is to empower all NFT communities on the Superchain to effortlessly provide their members with complimentary ENS subdomains, completely free of gas charges.

As part of this exciting development, we eagerly anticipate leveraging the groundbreaking Gasless DNSSEC recently released by ENS. This advancement will enable projects that were previously unable to secure their ENS names to utilize their DNS names instead. We recognize the challenges many NFT projects face, especially when prominent ENS names are snagged by squatters. The release of Gasless DNSSEC presents a welcomed alternative that resolves a significant headache encountered during the onboarding of projects.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or require further clarification.

cc. @Juanbug_PGov @mmurthy