[DEPRECATED] Velodrome early proposal

TVL now $34.5 million, overtaking Curve and $1.5 million from overtaking Uniswap on Optimism.

Now ahead of Perpetual Protocol ($32mm vs $28mm), which just received 9MM OP.
~600 DAU at Velodrome vs Perpetualā€™s ~200-300
Theyā€™re well ahead in volume, though, at ~10mm vs ~2mm last 7 day avg.

As I am writing this, Velodrone is the number 1 DEX on Optimism by TVL. So KUDOS.

Things I like about the proposal:

  1. Actual KPIs for each section
  2. Clear and defined percentages

Things I donā€™t like about the proposal:

  1. I think token amount is a bit too big for my taste, but I understand itā€™s based on 4 underlying requests. With Relay being the one I would be against.
  2. As I understand veVELO, itā€™s not clear to me how the incentives will be matched exactly. I think a great addition to the proposal would be having actual matched incentives from Velodrone Team. Checking Velodrone docs I see you have reserved 10% of VELO to the Team and 24% to Protocol/DAOs. The proposal would be superior with a very clear statement of matching incentives.

Follow up question to myself.
Since the template doesnā€™t include the information, did Velodrome receive in the past or will receive OP directly from OP Labs as part of their Partner Funds?

I see you already announced it on Twitter https://twitter.com/VelodromeFi/status/1545434763951017986


The Velodrome project is a good project i think it,s good for the users the get a drop off op

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Velodrome is the number 1 DEX on Optimism !!! , This will bring a lot of TVL into OP I support Velodrome

Just checking in to see if you would like this proposal to be evaluated in Voting Cycle #6 according to the updated grant proposal template?

hey @lavande , thanks for the heads up. this oneā€™s on ice indefinitely.