Delegate Commitments [OLD]

Name: Boris M.

Address or ENS: cleanapp.eth

Discord username: cleanapp#0739

Verification: on twitter @ CleanApp

I have read and understood the Delegate Commitment Process: :white_check_mark:

I understand that becoming a delegate is a significant commitment: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I am eager to absorb learnings from the inaugural class of optimistic governooors. I would like to learn about (and participate in) the politics of L2 scaling, especially during a time of enhanced competition and reorganization.

My view on the [Optimistic Vision]: Great stuff, up until the part about impact=profit — “the principle that positive impact to the collective should be rewarded with profit to the individual.” As Lord Masternode Operator V would say, sounds a bit platitude-y. Would be very curious to learn about OC’s vision of material utility (atoms) and social utility. But yeahm, obv, OV is yum, else wouldn’t be applying c’mon.

My view on the first three articles of the [Working Constitution]: (1) Big fan of the “working” part of the “working constitution” but no constitution for a global cyberspace governance body can be legitimate if it’s encoded in highly ideological Anglish. So, great that this is meant to work for four years, but big yikes about plans to create a Permanent Bedrock Constitution afterwards. Why yikes? See (2) The idea of “structural” bicameralism and formal equality between OP Citizens and OP Holders is a worthy ideal, but it is not clear how OC would achieve that ideal. As an OP citizen-holder-person I have no idea what my citizenship rights are within OC. I know I’m not alone. The idea of representative delegated governance as an off-the-shelf “structural” solution comes across as too technocratic, and kinda in tension with the Optimism Vision. Furthermore (3) “The Optimism Foundation is a Cayman Islands organization responsible for guiding the growth and development of the Optimism Collective.” – nah, that’s classic inversebrah: it’s the Optimism Collective that guides its own growth and development. Yes, the OF can and does play an important role. But people and mission come first, not formal legal bodies.

My Web3 interests:
Choose ≤ five from the following set. List them as comma-separated values as your answer, like: “A, B, C”.

Accessibility, Data and analytics, Economics, Environment, Gaming, Legal

Languages I speak and write: English, Pусский

My skills and areas of expertise: legal risk mitigation

My favorite Web3 projects: rn Littercoin, Ethereum,
List ≤ 3 projects